Friday 12 July 2013

The Return of Gagaloo #ARTPOP

Oooooooh my gaga, how long have we been waiting my fellow monsters? For what seems like an eternity, Gags has been pretty much neglecting us.. no hints of a date for the new album, no tweets, no photos! Finally today, the Haus released a new photo along with dates for the new single, album and App. Strangely, GaGa did not tweet the information herself - her twitter has reverted back to an egg and she has been in hiding for months! Some fans have been turning against her and posting negative comments with the theme of "abandonment" and "not caring" but patience is important and knowing gaga, what's coming is going to be hella amazing.

I feel an explosion of madness and creativity coming our way and the single on the 19th August (the day before my 20th birthday which makes it even better) will be just the start of it. I'm excited to see what is happening with the App, whether it will be like or a whole new experience!? Who knows, at the moment everything remains a mystery and I have to say I've missed my main gal a lot and I can't wait for her return..

I don't care if she's been ignoring us, I'll support her for as long as I live! 

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