Sunday 7 July 2013

Hell-to-the-No Hayfever!

This year I've really been suffering with le fever of le hay and I'm tellin' ya.. I feel for all you sufferers who have it every year! As far as I can remember, this is the first year that I've had hayfever and had it this badly, to the point I can't touch or sit on grass without it having any after effects.. and generally being outside triggers it. Obviously now it's getting hotter in England, the pollen counts are sky rocketing and I can't say I'm having the best time with it! After being outside for an hour or so, my eyes become itchy beyond belief and I have constant sneezing fits which just aren't pleasant to be honest. It definitely is at it's worst at night and when I wake up in the mornings unable to breathe through my nose at all. I also get a really tickly throat when I swallow, which goes through my ears aswell and just makes everything tickly and itchy and unpleasant. I take a one-a-day antihistamine but as far as I can tell it isn't really helping. All I can say is that if I am still sneezy and feeling shitty by the time it gets to my holiday - I won't be a very happy chappy! Please tell me if you have any magical cures or anything to ease the "fevz" a little bit.. 

I would not put myself in the middle of a meadow with hayfever, stupid woman

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