Wednesday 3 July 2013

Crappy Disposables

I always buy cheap disposable cameras from boots, thinking I'll get the greatest wannabe-hipster, old school style photo prints.. No no they always come out rubbish. To be fair with decent sunlight they can get cool results but I usually end up paying for the prints and being handed back about 5 that have been successful. I've had this camera hanging about since the Born This Way Ball back in september 2012 so it was about time I used it up. I actually took it to the Lana Del Rey concert with me aswell in May but only remembered to get it out of my bag in the queue beforehand. Here are pretty much the only decent outcomes.. how do people get such disposable prints at concerts, I don't know.. mine aren't..

I used up the last snaps messing around to be honest..

Ma gal Liam & me in the Lana Queue 

That five minutes that it was sunny last month, english summer

Fresh bath face last night in my onesie using up the last bit of film, so attractive

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