Monday 1 July 2013

30 Day Squat Challenge

Yes I've hopped on the squat challenge bandwagon. All I see on Instagram is the day to day chart with a perfectly toned posterior in the middle looking right at you. I felt like the numbers were doable and here I am on day 6 having just done 80 squats. The first day or two was easy enough but I have gradually felt the effects the further in I've got but the exercise is getting easier to do and fit into a daily schedule. To say I can see/feel results already would be quite ridiculous seeing as it's been less than a full week but I can feel stronger bum muscles coming along! I've also been combining the squat challenge with the ab challenge which is also daily and then every other day doing a slightly larger exercise routine for example a 20 minute cross-train, or hours bike ride or walk. All in the attempt to be fit for my summer holiday! A gal can be optimistic!

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