Tuesday 18 June 2013

"I'm Tampin' Fumin' Ragin' "

My all time favourite quote from the Valleys! I started watching this hilarious show on a night in with my friend Rach when there was nothing else on, and I had to watch the rest! I don't think I can say I have seen anything more outrageous than The Valleys. The group of Welsh gals and guys in their early 20's genuinely don't give a shit about anything and will happily flash their "foof" (valley slang for girl parts!!) all over the tele and the boys literally see girls as a piece of meat. I mean, it is quite degrading to watch but I can't help but find it absolutely hysterical. To start, Nicole is mental and I think if she had a brain she'd be lethal, and Jenna just wants to be seen as a sex symbol, really.

As I'm up to date with the seasons, my favourite girl is probably Lateysha.. the amount she is in love with herself is unbelievable but the things she comes out with are so so funny and I wish her the best in her singing career (not). As for the boys.. Leeroy holds a special place in my heart. Despite his foul mouth and rapper-esque body language, I can see his sweet side and the way he speaks to Jenna sometimes is so cute! Carley is also a favourite and she is probably the most down to earth girl in the house and she has slightly more respect for herself than the other girls, however she is PARTIAL to getting her tits out every now and again hahah!

The season two finale airs tonight on MTV and we will find out who is being cut from the show and who will be back next season. All I can say is I hope they ditch Natalee and those ape twins.

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