Monday 17 June 2013

Hipsta Pics

I love everything to do with photo manipulation, enhancement and editing. I'm a real photoshop geek and know pretty much all the cool editing techniques, but when I'm on my phone and want a cute effect or edit for my photos to put on instagram, I turn to Hipstamatic, Deluxe FX or GirlyBooth. Hipstamatic is a built-in camera app and takes photos with so many different filters, films and flashes. I think I initially paid around £1.50 for the app and it has definitely been one of my favourites since I got my iPhone almost 3 years ago. You can create hundreds upon hundreds of effects with the different combinations of cameras and filters and you can buy more packs as you go along.

Hipstamatic: Lens - Bettie XL Film - Ina's 1935

 It creates a particularly great effect if there is a source of light coming from a window to enhance the photo and add a unique effect. The only downfall of this app is that it often crashes for some unknown reason, but patience is key and you can get some gorgeous outcomes. 

The second app that I love is Deluxe Fx. This app is 69p, I think,  and similar to instagram in that you upload a photo and then edit it. The app includes a filter section and then an optional overlay section for added depth and detail in the photo. The app uses a square size so that you can upload directly over to instagram with the added effects that instagram doesn't have. Here are a few cheeky examples of some photos I have edited with DeluxeFX. 

Barney the Cat! <3

90s feels with my bez on her 18th

Me being a dickhead on photobooth as usual.

I would say deluxe fx is definitely worth a purchase if you are a fan of instagram and having cute hearts and orbs on your photos.

Aaaaaand last but not least, my third favourite photo editing app has to be girlybooth. I hadn't personally heard of this app until my friend Jade who loves all things princess practically pulled my arm out to download it for her. I have to say I wasn't impressed at first as I like to deny that I like anything girly.. but I gave in eventually (still like to think I am using it for ironic purposes) and started pimping out my photos. I mostly use this app to decorate photos for my phone backgrounds and screensavers.

Jack never looked so good! 

Cheering up our Kim 

Adding some love to a valentines card for my friend!

Girlybooth has plenty of cute stickers from Hello Kitty to hearts and rainbows and it's definitely a must for you girly bastards out there. Oh and one last thing, if you are a fellow lover of kitties and puppies like myself - give "Dog Effects" and "A Effects" a download. I wouldn't call them photo editing apps, more like piss-abouts for your photos but I do love them! They all give a pretty nineties style when you combine some of the apps aswell, add plenty of stickers and sick effects and you're set.

A cheeky combo of Girlybooth and A Effects

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