Monday 24 June 2013

"I wanna do bad things with you"

I am so happy True Blood is back. So much eye-candy in one programme it's untrue! The first episode of season six aired last sunday in America so naturally I have been watching it the day after and I am about to watch the second episode when I finish this post.. I am never not left hanging at the end of an episode and I think that's what draws me in. The story lines are genuinely out of this world and I don't know how they come up with them, I am so excited to see what happens with Bill (not saying too much incase you haven't watched) and my shipper heart will always be waiting for the day he reunites with "Soookehhhhhhhhh". I think as the seasons have progressed the stories have gotten so much more dark and twisted but they just fascinate me and I hate when it cuts to credits, my love for Alcide has also progressed.. to a somewhat, probably, unnatural level. There's never been a more beautiful were-man. (Alexander Skarsgard coming in a close second as sexy vamp).

joke really isn't it 

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