Monday 15 July 2013

Planning for a Change..

At some point we all plan to make a change, whether it be to do more exercise, change our hair colour or change our attitude. I always make plans with myself to change something and most of the time I let these plans fall through but I think the best way to stick to something is in small steps.. plan, arrange and change. Little things like changing the way you behave, or to change your appearance by getting a new tattoo or piercing could lead to bigger things like volunteering for a charity for the summer or going travelling with friends.

Grungey green hair for a cheeky change last year.. 
I've found that altering my attitude towards certain things can help with changing how things are and making them better for me for the long run. Optimism and a good working attitude is key when doing new things and trying to change something for the better. From recent changes I have made personally, I think that doors are more likely to open when you are headstrong and positive and I'd like to think that I can plan to do more things while I'm young and have things to see and do and experience. Recent life lessons have told me not to let people get in your way and to do what you think is best for yourself, only you can make the choices in your own life and the world is your oyster.

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