Friday 5 July 2013


I have been watching Sam and Nic Chapman on YouTube for probably a couple of years now but this year I have been properly following/stalking and I am in love with Pixiwoos! Their makeup tutorials are always the most amazing, and I am forever wishing that I could recreate their looks but I am not half as talented with makeup as I wish I was. I think they're both so stunning and endearing to watch and it really is interesting to see what they're doing on a daily basis whether it be with DailyMix or going out doing shoots for TWO magazine. I particularly love the Supermodel Series and Kristen Stewart tutorials that Sam makes, the eyes are always stunning and the smokey look is a definite favourite. 

I've also been following the DailyMix Beauty Bootcamp this week and I'm so excited for the finale today! I love the contestants and I think that whoever wins the contest, I will genuinely watch their videos that will be on DailyMix and see how they grow from the competition. Did anyone else really enjoy when Marc met Sam & Nic for the first time and he was completely gushing? So so cute! Amy is also really nice to watch, she has a different look about her and she is relaxed in front of the camera and did so well on the Kim K tutorial challenge! 

The ever-growing Beauty Community on YouTube is definitely great to watch at the moment, with everyone being linked and creating collab videos.. fellow favourites being Zoella, Jim & Tanya and Sprinkle of Glitter. I think we all just want to be in that friendship group, don't we chummies!? It's really nice to be able to have the platforms to follow people and be part of their lifestyle.

I can only hope to be as stunning and beautiful as Sam when I'm older! So talented and the looks she creates on the makeup tutorials are always just my style, dark eyes with plenty of mascara and lashes and messy hair to finish it off. If only I was clever enough to do the makeup on myself.. 

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