Wednesday 26 June 2013

OOTD: Work Day

I'm allowed to wear what I want for my summer graphic design job so heres what I wore today..

Bart top from SheInside, Dogtooth pants from Topshop, Vintage Levi's jacket from Blue Rinse. 

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Soap and Glory: The Firminator Review

Having always been a fan of Soap & Glory products, naturally I want to try the new lotions and potions that they bring out so on monday I purchased "The Firminator: Special Bikini Body Firming Formula". I read some reviews for this product at the weekend and was amazed at what people had said, that they felt results after the first day and felt that their skin was instantly firmer and smoother so I obviously had to test the theory.

The product information states that the formula "features a killer combination of actives that - when rubbed on with aplomb - can help battle orange peel bulge and visibly tone you all over".  Quite a confident statement however I can say after two days of using this twice a day, massaging it from my knees upwards to my stomach, I can feel my skin getting firmer with a smoother appearance.

I applied the product in the morning and in the evening after showers and it takes 5-10 minutes to properly sink in but you can feel it on your skin all day which is quite reassuring and I don't know whether its because I believe it's working or whether it is actually working but I do feel like it has made a difference already. Despite what people say, I haven't found that this formula stings or burn at all when applied and it just feels like lotion. I look forward to seeing more results the longer I use this for and I hope it achieves what it says on the bottle combined with my exercise plan and diet which apparently helps along the process. I will post again with any more results when the bottle is empty!

In your Dreams, Honey

A few people have said I resemble CharliXCX. Maybe with a fine-tuned midriff and bigger hair..


It's holiday season and the pressure to be "thin" is bigger than ever. I personally have felt the need, with 4 weeks til my holiday, to start dieting and exercising more.. but why? Why do other people's opinions have a bigger influence over my own? Why should I feel the need to be a certain weight or size?

Here's where my new heroine comes into it. Rebel Wilson. Hollywoods new comedy girl who I have so much respect and admiration for, who is just so stunningly witty and hilarious and beautiful. She holds so much confidence in herself and is genuinely comfortable in her own skin. This is how every girl should feel, content with themselves and show natural talents and what they are good at without fear of judgement or rejection. Australian born Rebel first caught my eye in Bridesmaids, as quirky flatmates with our very own Matt Lucas (in real life too),  dropping hilarious one-liners even though she was in a secondary role. Pitch Perfect also made it's way into my favourite film list, with Rebel as one of the main roles, as her ability to improvise amazing catchphrases and one-liners is astonishing. She is brilliant at what she does and has truly earnt all her respect in the film world. I aspire to be like her and can only hope to be as confident one day!

Monday 24 June 2013

"I wanna do bad things with you"

I am so happy True Blood is back. So much eye-candy in one programme it's untrue! The first episode of season six aired last sunday in America so naturally I have been watching it the day after and I am about to watch the second episode when I finish this post.. I am never not left hanging at the end of an episode and I think that's what draws me in. The story lines are genuinely out of this world and I don't know how they come up with them, I am so excited to see what happens with Bill (not saying too much incase you haven't watched) and my shipper heart will always be waiting for the day he reunites with "Soookehhhhhhhhh". I think as the seasons have progressed the stories have gotten so much more dark and twisted but they just fascinate me and I hate when it cuts to credits, my love for Alcide has also progressed.. to a somewhat, probably, unnatural level. There's never been a more beautiful were-man. (Alexander Skarsgard coming in a close second as sexy vamp).

joke really isn't it 

Saturday 22 June 2013

Outfit of the Day

Suitably 90's themed after watching Big Daddy last night! Who doesn't love a bit of Adam Sandler and the cutest kid going..

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Sweet Angel Baby Lana Boo

You know the obsession is extensive when you hear "Young and Beautiful" in a TV show and start to cry because it's bringing back memories from the concert :(  Lana Del Rey must genuinely be, the most beautiful angelic-looking person I have ever seen in real life. Last month, I went to her Paradise Tour concert at the Manchester Apollo and every second of it was breathtaking and emotional! After queuing with my sister and friends all day for her, we got to the barrier and got to be near to Lana when she came down during a few songs and my sister even got a picture with her (can't tell you how jealous I was but meanwhile I was holding onto her and snuggling her hair!).  Her voice is so phenomenal live, if not better, and her singing goes right through you and I think I had shivers the whole night. I don't know, there is just a mesmerising aura about her and she has the most relaxing, calm stage presence - despite the most die-hard fans I have met screaming for her and pulling her near to them whenever she passed. All I can say is that I would do anything to relive the concert and I will try my hardest to meet her properly and get my own photo(!) when she is back in the UK. Such a true darling and genuinely cares for all her fans, I mean who else comes to the barrier mid-song to take pictures and give out hugs?!? No wonder her fans are so defensive! Her songs have definitely taken a big hit into my life and I am definitely debating "del rey" script as my next tattoo.

Lana Del Rey @ Manchester Apollo 23rd May 2013

Tuesday 18 June 2013

"I'm Tampin' Fumin' Ragin' "

My all time favourite quote from the Valleys! I started watching this hilarious show on a night in with my friend Rach when there was nothing else on, and I had to watch the rest! I don't think I can say I have seen anything more outrageous than The Valleys. The group of Welsh gals and guys in their early 20's genuinely don't give a shit about anything and will happily flash their "foof" (valley slang for girl parts!!) all over the tele and the boys literally see girls as a piece of meat. I mean, it is quite degrading to watch but I can't help but find it absolutely hysterical. To start, Nicole is mental and I think if she had a brain she'd be lethal, and Jenna just wants to be seen as a sex symbol, really.

As I'm up to date with the seasons, my favourite girl is probably Lateysha.. the amount she is in love with herself is unbelievable but the things she comes out with are so so funny and I wish her the best in her singing career (not). As for the boys.. Leeroy holds a special place in my heart. Despite his foul mouth and rapper-esque body language, I can see his sweet side and the way he speaks to Jenna sometimes is so cute! Carley is also a favourite and she is probably the most down to earth girl in the house and she has slightly more respect for herself than the other girls, however she is PARTIAL to getting her tits out every now and again hahah!

The season two finale airs tonight on MTV and we will find out who is being cut from the show and who will be back next season. All I can say is I hope they ditch Natalee and those ape twins.

Monday 17 June 2013

A little list of wishes..

Due to the fact my 20th birthday is upcoming in August, my mind is always a-wander, thinking about things I can treat myself too. Also now having two jobs for the summer will help me out with my shopping problems. I am always falling victim to online shopping so I always have a list of things that I would like to have!

Cutest inflatable bubble backpack from Asos Marketplace
Don't care how idiotic I may look with it..
Asos Marketplace £9

As mentioned in an earlier post, I need to expand my Jellies collection.
Office £20

Asos Quilted Floral Jacket £55

Tiffany's Infinity Ring £100 (very wishful thinking)

Topshop Sonance Black Leather/Suede Platforms £82
(possible bday shoes, even though I have a tendency to ruin suede)

A baby Kimye has arrived..

Couldn't not post about the little cherub that graced the earth with her presence yesterday! Hark! Baby Kimye has been welcomed into the world and personally.. I'm just desperate to see the little thing. I have been a follower of the Kardashian family since they started out on e! and call me sad but I feel connected with their family and love to see and hear about everything they do. I think with, a lot of, guidance from Kourtney and Kris, Kim will be a good mother and who could ask for a better daddy than Kanye West really! Rumors are the name begins with a K.. Kanyesha? No, no.. I don't know if I believe that Kim will follow in her mums footsteps with the name situation but whatever she's called I'm sure she'll be the cutest!

(image taken from the Queen Bey herself

Fashion Nostalgia

So many things are resurfacing from the 90's and I can't say I've been more pleased! I see things pop up on websites like Topshop and Asos all the time and I just want them all. I had to give in to a pair of new Jelly Shoes to relive my childhood, and oh my god, they are so comfy I can't even tell you! I bought a pair of black JuJu's from Office for £20 and so far I have worn them with just about everything. You can pair them with little socks and tights, wear them with jeans or shorts or skirts and they pretty much go with everything.

I think they are definitely a holiday essential and I plan on buying a clear glitter pair aswell, definitely a must have for the beach and I might even end up using them in the sea so that I don't step on any rocks and hurt my little feet when I go snorkelling! Overall a successful nineties nostalgic purchase.

I also came across tattoo necklaces on ebay, and I squealed so hard remembering them from when I used to buy them for 20p from a shop in my local village. Unfortunately as they are now a lost gem from way back when, I paid £5 for mine on ebay however it came with a tattoo bracelet and ring so I suppose it wasn't too bad but I used to scrape up some change to buy them when I was younger!! Anyway, my necklace was only delivered today but I can see myself wearing it a lot as being an avid Charli XCX fan I do like the odd choker here and there when I feel like it! The necklace pulls over your head and fits comfortably round your neck and I feel like a child again!

Hipsta Pics

I love everything to do with photo manipulation, enhancement and editing. I'm a real photoshop geek and know pretty much all the cool editing techniques, but when I'm on my phone and want a cute effect or edit for my photos to put on instagram, I turn to Hipstamatic, Deluxe FX or GirlyBooth. Hipstamatic is a built-in camera app and takes photos with so many different filters, films and flashes. I think I initially paid around £1.50 for the app and it has definitely been one of my favourites since I got my iPhone almost 3 years ago. You can create hundreds upon hundreds of effects with the different combinations of cameras and filters and you can buy more packs as you go along.

Hipstamatic: Lens - Bettie XL Film - Ina's 1935

 It creates a particularly great effect if there is a source of light coming from a window to enhance the photo and add a unique effect. The only downfall of this app is that it often crashes for some unknown reason, but patience is key and you can get some gorgeous outcomes. 

The second app that I love is Deluxe Fx. This app is 69p, I think,  and similar to instagram in that you upload a photo and then edit it. The app includes a filter section and then an optional overlay section for added depth and detail in the photo. The app uses a square size so that you can upload directly over to instagram with the added effects that instagram doesn't have. Here are a few cheeky examples of some photos I have edited with DeluxeFX. 

Barney the Cat! <3

90s feels with my bez on her 18th

Me being a dickhead on photobooth as usual.

I would say deluxe fx is definitely worth a purchase if you are a fan of instagram and having cute hearts and orbs on your photos.

Aaaaaand last but not least, my third favourite photo editing app has to be girlybooth. I hadn't personally heard of this app until my friend Jade who loves all things princess practically pulled my arm out to download it for her. I have to say I wasn't impressed at first as I like to deny that I like anything girly.. but I gave in eventually (still like to think I am using it for ironic purposes) and started pimping out my photos. I mostly use this app to decorate photos for my phone backgrounds and screensavers.

Jack never looked so good! 

Cheering up our Kim 

Adding some love to a valentines card for my friend!

Girlybooth has plenty of cute stickers from Hello Kitty to hearts and rainbows and it's definitely a must for you girly bastards out there. Oh and one last thing, if you are a fellow lover of kitties and puppies like myself - give "Dog Effects" and "A Effects" a download. I wouldn't call them photo editing apps, more like piss-abouts for your photos but I do love them! They all give a pretty nineties style when you combine some of the apps aswell, add plenty of stickers and sick effects and you're set.

A cheeky combo of Girlybooth and A Effects

Sunday 16 June 2013

Day for Daddies

It's fathers day and an appreciative blog post is necessary. My dad has always been the best that he could be, I don't know anyone who'd help push me to achieve my goals like he does. He has truly always supported what I have wanted to do and helped me to do it without a doubt. Everything I know I have learned from my dad, he taught me to how to swim, how to ride a bike, how to drive my first car, how to do well in my first job interviews.. the list is endless! I don't tell my dad very often how much I love him and how much he means to me, and I don't always make the effort to spend time with him but he deserves to be treated like a King. He does everything for me and I will always know that he is going to be there for me for the rest of my life and I am grateful for him every day.
Love you DadX

Thursday 13 June 2013

Skin Decorations

It's coming up to 2 weeks since I got my last tattoo! I had wanted a "maritime" style tattoo for some time as I love the classic design and my grandmother was an evacuee from Guernsey in the 1940's so throughout her life she has had a love for large ships and to me that gave me extra reason to get my tattoo. I drew up the wheel and anchor design myself roughly and the tattoo artist was able to develop it and I was so pleased!
Still slightly swollen a few hours after having it done
The tattoo took about an hour and 45 minutes altogether from outline to shading and let me tell you, a needle in your ribs is not the most delightful experience but it was definitely worth the pain and giving myself love bites on my arms from chewing down that hard to stop myself from squealing in agony! I really enjoy the look of the black and white and I don't think I will ever be bored with it. The overall healing process has been fairly easy, I stayed away from the clingfilm method and just washed and moisturised it at the start and end of every day for a full week and this week I have been able to just apply a thinner moisturiser a few times a day and it has been fine. I feel like the tattoo might peel off again before it is fully healed but it feels almost completely flat to my skin now and I can't wait to flash it about on the town (harhar)!

Today, almost fully healed

Tuesday 11 June 2013

So Totally Clueless

Nineties wardrobes that I wish were mine.

- Drew Barrymore as Ivy in Poison Ivy (1992)

- Jennifer Aniston & Courteney Cox as Rachel and Monica in Friends (1994)

- Alicia Silverston as Cher in Clueless (1995)

Julia Stiles as Katarina in 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Bart is the Bomb

Recently I can't hide my love for Bart Simpson. With the "Tapped Out" game on the iPhone being my favourite past-time, all I hear is "Eat my Shorts" and "Ay Caramba!". Jeremy Scott were the first to bring his spikey yellow head into the fashion scene with their knitted sweatshirts and skirts that were seen on the likes of Cara Delevigne and then came the wave of copycat designs featuring Barts head in a repeated print. I have found that UK sites do not seem to stock the clothing items such as the denim shirts and shorts however sites such as and have a good selection!

I just ordered the Black Bart crop top from and also the Black short sleeve Simpson cross print t-shirt. I think these tops carry a great nineties vibe and I look forward to them being delivered!


Monday 10 June 2013

Charli XCX and Nineties Fever

So on the 19th april, I went to see Charli XCX at the Deaf Institute in Manchester and ever since I have listened to her every single day! I had heard of Charli when "Stay Away" came about and then I decided to download her mixtapes and have loved them ever since. She had an entertaining stage routine with plenty of hair flips and hip swaying which was fun and refreshing to watch rather than an artist stood still in the middle of the stage.

I luckily had the chance to meet Charli after the gig when she came out into the venue after the set and take a photo with her and one of my best friends. We have a thing about "hun" posing, involving pouty lips and crossed fingers, so we thought it only fair to recruit her into the hun business and make her copy our "there's-a-camera-out" reflex pose.
Excited or Scared? Hun Pose with Charli and Jade
Her music carries such a big nineties vibe and it's impossible to not love her. My personal favourites are "Velvet Dreaming (LUV)" from the Super Ultra Mixtape, "Take My Hand" and "Cloud Aura" from the True Romance album released earlier this year. If her music isn't to your taste, maybe her amazing nineties styled attires will be!

I'm partial to a bit of Instagram..

As I am starting this blog malarky, I think you should know that I am an avid instagrammer. I will post pictures of anything of everything. Who doesn't like to add a cheeky filter to a bog standard photo? Noone. Here are a few of my latest and greatest..
Times Square, New York City 

Shameless selfie before Lana Del Rey

Night out with the besties

Yogberries finest

Gorgeous snow leopard in Central Park Zoo
Lana Del Rey, Manchester Apollo 

Betty Crocker Red Velvet/Chocolate Cake Mmmm


What's up homies? I thought it was time to join the world of blogspot and put myself out there. My posts will be about my life, what's going on that I'm interested in and an insight into what I am doing in terms of my life as a designer and a student. Let's see how long this lasts!