Tuesday 13 August 2013

When GaGa resurfaces, the real me emerges..

ARTPOP has been due for a long time coming, and unfortunately some impatient fools can't wait for a release date and have to leak GaGa's music for attention.  A demo of Burqa/Aura was leaked a few days ago and then snippets of Applause were spilling out so after some obviously irritated tweets from the queen herself, "Applause" the first single from Artpop was released today on iTunes worldwide. 

Plenty of Katy Perry fans had a penny to put in saying that Lady Gaga purposely released the song on the day that Katy had released 'Roar'. To be quite honest with you, I doubt Gaga even knows what day  of the week it is and she was practically forced to release the song seeing as it was pretty much all over the internet already and her countdown was ruined.. I don't blame her and I think the "Monsters" that turned against Gaga for "stealing Katy's day" are absolutely vile and Katy fans would be buying "Roar" regardless of what Gaga would be doing and the number 1's on iTunes proved that. All I can say is after complaining about how long you've had to wait.. you should be jumping for joy that she released it early.. okay? Rant over, Thanks. 

Anyway, not to put a negative spin on things but I can honestly say I've always stayed loyal to 'mother monster' and never lost faith that she would come back with amazing music! So excited to hear the rest of Artpop and to see the App... this is pretty much my reaction vid for applause 


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