Monday 12 August 2013

Meet my new baby Bruce!

Last weekend, I decided it was time to get myself a new little baby to look after so I dragged my mum to my favey pet shop and picked up this little guy ... Brucey Bear! He's a male Syrian hamster and he is probably the cutest coloured hammy I have seen and his face is beyond adorbs. When I first got him home he'd almost chewed through the cardboard box he came in so I put him down into his cage and oh what an escape artist he is.. straight away clambering up the sides to get out of the cage much to my amusement. He wasn't very shy at first at all and took to climbing on my hands without biting or being very scared. It took a few hours for him to get settled once I sorted his bedding but he soon found his way around and now I can't get him out of his little house where he sleeps! I'd say he's still getting used to me and it takes him a few minutes to wake up and want to come out to play but after that he's really good and I can lift him out of his cage to hold and cuddle hehe! 

So excited to have a new little pal and I'm excited for our friendship to grow!

(However if he continues to wake me up at 2am he will be moving out of my bedroom fo' shiz) 


He stands up like a meerkat! 

First night I had him home he slept in his food bowl <3 

Playing in his ball (he forgets how to use it sometimes and just plonks his bum on the bottom) 

Exploring on my bed 

Little chunky boy 

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