Thursday 26 September 2013

This or That Tag

So it appears I have been tagged by my sister Sarah Stylize to do the this or that tag! I think all the questions are mostly beauty/fashion related, so here we go.. 


Blusher or Bronzer? 

I would definitely say bronzer, I'm not overly fussy about blusher and I don't wear it every day but I am all about the contour recently so it's a part of my daily makeup routine. I currently use the Bourjois Delice de Poudre Bronzing Powder which has been a favourite since high school. 

Lipgloss or Lipstick? 

Lipstick! I can safely say I haven't touched lipgloss since I was probably about 8! I much prefer a good lipstick selection and I tend to wear dark red lips quite often. 

Eyeliner or mascara?

I wear both every day, but if I had to choose I would stick with mascara and use an eyeshadow as a liner! 

Foundation or Concealer? 

I would choose foundation.. my skin is quite clear at the moment so I haven't been using much concealer. 

Brush or Sponge?

I would choose a makeup brush over a sponge. I am obsessed with the Real Techniques brush line and use them for all aspects of my makeup really. 


OPI or China Glaze? 

I can't say I have dipped into the world of China Glaze yet though I've seen a few colours on other blogs that I liked the look of. I have a few OPI nail varnishes and they're good, so OPI! 

Long or Short?

My nails always have been and always will be short. 

Acrylic or Natural? 

Acrylic nails are a treat for me, I will get them occasionally but mostly I prefer to paint my own nails. 

Bright or Dark?

Dark. Black. I hardly wear anything bright or nice hahah

Flower or no Flower? 

Don't mind a bit of nail art, if someone wants to come and paint me a flower?


Perfume or Body Spray?


Lotion or Body Butter?

Soap and Glory Body Butter

Body Wash or Soap? 

Soap and Glory Body Wash! haha

Lush or Other?

Yes, Lush is the one!


Jeans or Joggers?

Hate to say it but if I can choose, I will choose joggers

Long Sleeves or Short Sleeves?

Depends on the weather, my darling

Dress or Skirt? 

I'm not really a girly girl, but I am more inclined to wear skirts. 

Scarves or Hats?

Scarves, definitely scarves. My collection is ever-growing. 

Studs or Dangly Earrings?

Mostly studs. 

Necklace or Bracelet?

I wear a lot of necklaces, most of the time I'll forget about bracelets.

Heels or Flats?

I do love a good pair of heels, they make me feel nice! But flats.. 

Cowboy boots or riding boots?

Neither, thanks. 

Jackets or hoodies?

Jackets probably. 

Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe?

Forever 21 (what the fuck is Charlotte Russe)


Straight or Curly?

My hair is naturally straight but I do anything I can for it to be curly/waved. 

Bun or Ponytail? 

My ponytail is so short at the moment so it's more likely to be in a messy bun. 

Bobby pins or butterfly clips?


Hairspray or Gel?


Long or Short? 

Have to say short at the minute.. I will be waiting for a while for my hair to be considered long again! 

Dark or Light? 


Side bangs or full bangs? 

I try to pluck up the courage every day to get a proper full fringe. All I want is to be Zooey Deschanel. 

Up or Down? 

I think Up, I get too annoyed with it down! 

Done! Something different for my blog I guess! I don't really have "blog" friends as such so I will tag my one gal pal who uses blogger LipstickLoverr

Hope this was fun to read! 

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