Wednesday 18 September 2013

The Long-Awaited Return of New Girl

After what seems like the longest summer hiatus (4 months I believe!?), Season 3 of New Girl finally premieres tonight!! I have been a religious viewer of this show since day 1 and I have been dedicated for the most anticipated episodes of each season to stay up til 2am to watch it from a live stream (ha ha obsessed fangirl).  I genuinely have enjoyed every single episode and the humour is exactly to my taste and I have grown to love all the characters very dearly (again.. obsessed fangirl).  

All I can say is, I am most excited for cute Nick and Jess scenes after an amazing end to Season 2.. however preparing myself for what could be a Ross and Rachael type storyline! Also excited to see what happens with Schmidt and his love triangle, however I think we all side for Cece.. 

'Ness' Appreciation.. is it 2am yet?

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