Thursday 26 September 2013

This or That Tag

So it appears I have been tagged by my sister Sarah Stylize to do the this or that tag! I think all the questions are mostly beauty/fashion related, so here we go.. 


Blusher or Bronzer? 

I would definitely say bronzer, I'm not overly fussy about blusher and I don't wear it every day but I am all about the contour recently so it's a part of my daily makeup routine. I currently use the Bourjois Delice de Poudre Bronzing Powder which has been a favourite since high school. 

Lipgloss or Lipstick? 

Lipstick! I can safely say I haven't touched lipgloss since I was probably about 8! I much prefer a good lipstick selection and I tend to wear dark red lips quite often. 

Eyeliner or mascara?

I wear both every day, but if I had to choose I would stick with mascara and use an eyeshadow as a liner! 

Foundation or Concealer? 

I would choose foundation.. my skin is quite clear at the moment so I haven't been using much concealer. 

Brush or Sponge?

I would choose a makeup brush over a sponge. I am obsessed with the Real Techniques brush line and use them for all aspects of my makeup really. 


OPI or China Glaze? 

I can't say I have dipped into the world of China Glaze yet though I've seen a few colours on other blogs that I liked the look of. I have a few OPI nail varnishes and they're good, so OPI! 

Long or Short?

My nails always have been and always will be short. 

Acrylic or Natural? 

Acrylic nails are a treat for me, I will get them occasionally but mostly I prefer to paint my own nails. 

Bright or Dark?

Dark. Black. I hardly wear anything bright or nice hahah

Flower or no Flower? 

Don't mind a bit of nail art, if someone wants to come and paint me a flower?


Perfume or Body Spray?


Lotion or Body Butter?

Soap and Glory Body Butter

Body Wash or Soap? 

Soap and Glory Body Wash! haha

Lush or Other?

Yes, Lush is the one!


Jeans or Joggers?

Hate to say it but if I can choose, I will choose joggers

Long Sleeves or Short Sleeves?

Depends on the weather, my darling

Dress or Skirt? 

I'm not really a girly girl, but I am more inclined to wear skirts. 

Scarves or Hats?

Scarves, definitely scarves. My collection is ever-growing. 

Studs or Dangly Earrings?

Mostly studs. 

Necklace or Bracelet?

I wear a lot of necklaces, most of the time I'll forget about bracelets.

Heels or Flats?

I do love a good pair of heels, they make me feel nice! But flats.. 

Cowboy boots or riding boots?

Neither, thanks. 

Jackets or hoodies?

Jackets probably. 

Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe?

Forever 21 (what the fuck is Charlotte Russe)


Straight or Curly?

My hair is naturally straight but I do anything I can for it to be curly/waved. 

Bun or Ponytail? 

My ponytail is so short at the moment so it's more likely to be in a messy bun. 

Bobby pins or butterfly clips?


Hairspray or Gel?


Long or Short? 

Have to say short at the minute.. I will be waiting for a while for my hair to be considered long again! 

Dark or Light? 


Side bangs or full bangs? 

I try to pluck up the courage every day to get a proper full fringe. All I want is to be Zooey Deschanel. 

Up or Down? 

I think Up, I get too annoyed with it down! 

Done! Something different for my blog I guess! I don't really have "blog" friends as such so I will tag my one gal pal who uses blogger LipstickLoverr

Hope this was fun to read! 

Wednesday 18 September 2013

The Long-Awaited Return of New Girl

After what seems like the longest summer hiatus (4 months I believe!?), Season 3 of New Girl finally premieres tonight!! I have been a religious viewer of this show since day 1 and I have been dedicated for the most anticipated episodes of each season to stay up til 2am to watch it from a live stream (ha ha obsessed fangirl).  I genuinely have enjoyed every single episode and the humour is exactly to my taste and I have grown to love all the characters very dearly (again.. obsessed fangirl).  

All I can say is, I am most excited for cute Nick and Jess scenes after an amazing end to Season 2.. however preparing myself for what could be a Ross and Rachael type storyline! Also excited to see what happens with Schmidt and his love triangle, however I think we all side for Cece.. 

'Ness' Appreciation.. is it 2am yet?

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Fancy Phones

I'm one of those people who always carries their phone everywhere and likes to swap up cases a lot, so naturally I have a collection of cases and stickers for my iPhone 4S. I've found that recently, high street shops carry a much wider collection of cases than they used to and they're a lot more creative and fun! 

H&M, Urban Outfitters & Topshop have a really good collection of cases and I'm always spoilt for choice when it comes to picking a new case! I've picked up a few new cases/vinyl stickers recently and thought I would show them as they're so decorative and styyyyyyylish! 

My first pick is this brass 'knuckle duster' style case which is hard plastic that clips around the frame of the phone so that you can see through to the front screen and back of the phone. I had seen this style of case on eBay before and then came across it in a souvenir shop in London and decided to buy it. I think Rihanna was seen with one of these copies and from what I've heard they're a dupe of a more expensive case, it might be Marc Jacobs? Not entirely sure but I think it's something different and fun, also making your phone easier to carry! 

My second picks are these holographic vinyl stickers from H&M! I think the Black Panther and Snake Skin designs are really cool and look so interesting when you turn your phone and the image moves. They're so easy to fit onto your phone, they line up really easily and as they're vinyl you can pull them up and reposition them if needed and they won't leave any residue on your phone! H&M do quite a few designs in the holographic stickers, from what I saw they were only really for iPhone 4 however I'm sure with iPhone 5 being about more they'll be others to buy elsewhere for different models. 

My last choice is a silicone 3D case from H&M (they're really on a roll with phone accessories)! I love anything with skulls on it and this case was a present from a friend and I think it looks really cool on my phone. The white detail of the skull is raised off the case which creates a 3D look without protruding to the point you can't hold your phone properly! H&M have a really big selection of silicone cases, some with ears and wings etc that just make your phone stand out as opposed to having a flat 2D plastic case.. it really was difficult to make my pick out of all the cases! 

Monday 16 September 2013

I shoes you

As you may know, I have been on the hunt for the perfect Jeffrey Campbell Coltrane Boot "dupes" for quite some time! I have searched high and low, online and in shops to find the most similar pair and I don't think any have come as close as the new River Island 'Chunky Buckle Cut Out Boots'. I was made aware of these new replicas (you might call them) by a friend and instantly had to buy them. Elle Magazine was doing a 25% off card at the time so I was able to get a discount on them online with a few other purchases and when they were delivered I fell in love with them! 

There are some differences with the shoes, obviously, for example the buckles aren't silver and they're quite a different shape and style however the standard shape and structure of the shoe is identical and I'm really happy with them! They're so comfortable considering how chunky they are and the zip at the back isn't stiff so it doesn't rub at all. I think these shoes will be my winter staple and I'll be wearing them til their death! 

Miranda Sings in London

Last thursday, me and LipstickLoverr went to London by to see Miranda Sings from YouTube at Leicester Square Theatre! If you're not familiar, Miranda Sings is an Internet character created by Colleen Ballinger who is an actress and singer also on YouTube. Miranda is displayed as a "comically talentless, egotistical and quirky character" singing badly to popular chart songs and discussing current events that she often misunderstands. Miranda also gives tutorials and advice on how to avoid her "haters".  

One of Miranda's music videos that brought me and LipstickLoverr as friends 3 years ago was California Gurls, a video made by Miranda and her mum in their back garden, and we have watched her ever since. She puts out a specific type of humour that isn't to everyones taste but the topics she covers and videos she creates appeal to us and she's now one of the most well-known youtubers! 

The venue was quite small and we had third row seats which were amazingly close and we were quite surprised to find we were the only ones who had gone the whole hog and dressed like miranda with an ugly shirt buttoned up to the neck and red lipstick all the way round our mouths - which was quite hysterical! 

The show started with Joshua, Colleen's boyfriend, introducing the show and inviting members of the audience to come onstage and do their best Miranda impressions which was hilarious and some people had really got their impersonations down to a tee! Colleen then took the stage and performed two songs before making the transformation into Miranda, tucking her dress into red sweatpants and a blue striped shirt and pinning her hair back before applying the infamous red lips. 

I don't want to give too much away incase you're planning to see the show however I will highly recommend it and say that it is full of hilarity and music covers and "acts" that are worth going to see! It was really fun to see Miranda and Colleen performing live and getting the chance to interact with her as an audience (I was very pleased to record a video of Miranda singing one of my favourite songs, Lady Gaga's Born This Way and have her look directly into the camera of my iPad whilst singing heheh!)

If you're a Mirfanda, definitely don't miss the tour!

After our own transformations!

Gorgeous Colleen!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Huns Holiday

Having just returned from a glorious 7 day vacay with 2 of my best friends, I thought a quick post with some hun filled photos and deets would be cute! Being my first girly holiday away, it was all very new and exciting being able to sort and book everything out between the 3 of us and be proper "grownups" with responsibilities, kudos to Jade our keeper of tickets and vouchers!

We stayed at Annaliza Apartments Hotel in Ipsos, Corfu which was in a really good location, stones throw away from the beach and bars/shops/supermarket. It was also a half hour bus ride away from the main Corfu town which we went to on a couple of nights to see the shops and have dinner. 

The beach nearest to our hotel was pebbly/shingle however we decided this was preferred to sand anyway as we're all fussy with getting it all over us! The sea was perfectly clear and there was plenty of snorkelling and laughing at each other for a good half hour due to piggy noses and attractive fringes when we'd pulled the masks over our faces! We were also conveniently close to the "pontoon" (pier? boardwalk? floating walkway?) which we could run down and jump off heheh! One day of the week we also treated ourself to a ride on the crazy ufo, technically an inflatable sofa pulled along by a boat, and were christened "lil bums" by the conveniently pervy man who decided he would be the photographer during our venture! 

The so-called nightlife in Ipsos was what we were looking for as we could have cocktails after our dinner without being hassled by other people too much and had a selection of bars and restaurants to go in each night. We were more than pleased to have lots of free drinks too, some resulting stories will be kept between me and my gals, and everyone was friendly and helpful! 

The 2nd to last day we were able to go on an Ionian Cruise which took us to Paxos and Antipaxos, the two smaller islands just off Corfu. Aside from getting up super early the day was so hot and we saw lots of pretty sights from the Blue Caves to the cute little town on the harbour of Paxos! 

I love love loved my pre-university getaway and I can't wait for hun holidays to come.. 

Our little beach 

Lil Bums 


Pouts galore

Sea babies!

Jumping from the Pontooooooon

Old Corfu town streets

The Blue Caves were so beautiful and of course blue 

The beach at Paxos, can I live here?

Giving in to Cocoon on our last night!

Sunday 1 September 2013

Holiday Numero 3

Hun Vacay to Greece with two of my fave gals tomorrow for a week!
 Giddy and don't want to sleep!

Our interpretation of the holiday fun to be had..